
In this section you'll find everything related to the VOLTS.Vector class

Vector is a very useful class, as it provides a way to represent N-Dimentional data

import { Vector } from 'volts';

const defaultVector = new Vector();           // Vector<3> [0,0,0]

const fromSigleArg = new Vector(1);           // Vector<3> [1,1,1]

const scalar  = new Vector<1>([1]);           // Vector<1> [1]
const vector2 = new Vector(1,2);              // Vector<2> [1, 2]
const vector3 = new Vector(1,2,3);            // Vector<3> [1, 2, 3]

const fromArray = new Vector([1,2,3, ...[]]); // Vector<number> [...]

const hardTyped = new Vector<3>(1,2,3);       // Vector<3> [1,2,3]

Creating a Vector

To create a Vector you can use

Rest parameters

To create a Vector from rest parameters, simply pass your values to the constructor

import { Vector } from 'volts';

const defaultVector = new Vector(); // Vector<3> [0,0,0]

const fromSigleArg = new Vector(1); // Vector<3> [1,1,1]

const vector2 = new Vector(1,2);    // Vector<2> [1, 2]
const vector3 = new Vector(1,2,3);  // Vector<3> [1, 2, 3]

const vectorN = new Vector([0,1,2, ...[]]); // Vector<N> [1, 2, 3, ...]

As you can see, creating a Vector with a sigle number as argument, will create a Vector<3>. To create a scalar, you need to force it using an array

Array parameter

Vector can take in an array, and create a Vector with those values. The values will be assigned secuentially to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Nth dimension.

This array cannot be empty, and must be composed entirely by numbers

AlthoughVector supports taking in an Array as parameter, currently type inference doesn't work as expected, and falls back to the number type. See Types & Generics

import { Vector } from 'volts';

// [0, 1, 2, 3, ... 99]
const myArr = new Array(100).fill(0).map((_, i)=>i);

const fromArray = new Vector<100>(myArr);

fromArray.x; // 0
fromArray.y; // 1
fromArray.z; // 2
fromArray.w; // 3

fromArray.values;    // myArr [0, 1, 2, 3, ... 99]
fromArray.dimension; // 100

Another Vector

A Vector can be creating from an existing one. Changes made to either won't be reflected on the other

import { Vector } from 'volts';

const firstVec = new Vector(1,2,3);
const secondVec = new Vector(firstVec);

firstVec.equals(secondVec); // true

firstVec.x = 100;

firstVec.equals(secondVec); // false

// This is exactly the same as calling Vector.copy();
// const secondVec = firstVec.copy();

Types & Generics

The Vector type is generic. This generic type describes the dimension of your vector, for example Vector<2> represents a two dimensional vector.

This generic type will determine which methods and properties are exposed to Typescript & Intelisense/autocompletion

You can hard-type the value, or you can leave it up to Typescript to figure out for you

import { Vector } from 'volts';
const twoD = new Vector(1,2); // Type get's infered to Vector<2>

twoD.x; // ✅
twoD.y; // ✅
twoD.z; // ❌ highlighted as a type error ('z' doesn't exist on Vector<2>)

Hard-typing the generic is useful when dealing with cases when inference is not possible, for example, when constructing a Vector from an array.

import { Vector } from 'volts';
const arr = [1,2];

const noType = new Vector(arr); // Type get's infered to Vector<number>
// Vector<number> doesn't provide any useful type information, so instead 👇

const hardTyped = new Vector<2>(arr) // Vector<2>

// Note hard-typing to the wrong type will highlight as an error
// Here, there's a collision between Vector<3> and Vector<2>
const badHardTyping = new Vector<3>(1,2); // ❌ highlighted as a type error

Last updated

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