The VectorArgRest type represents all valid rest parameters types that can be used to construct a Vector
This is the exact definition of VectorArgRest:
type VectorArgRest<D extends number = any> = [number] | number[] | [number[]] | [Vector<D>];
Which can be read as follows:
Anywhere VectorArgRest is required, you can use either:
a number
an array of numbers
a tuple composed by a single array of numbers
a Vector
Which in practice means:
// ...
function myFunction(...param: VectorArgRest){
// ...
myFunction(1); // a number
myFunction(1,2,3); // an array of numbers (spread as rest parameters)
myFunction([1,2,3]); // a tuple composed by an array of numbers
myFunction(new Vector()); // a Vector
You can use the static convertToSameDimVector method to turn VectorArgRest into a Vector of a desired dimension
// Vector.convertToSameDimVector(dim: number, ...args: VectorArgRest);
// number
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(3, 1); // Vector<3> [1,1,1]
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(2, 1); // Vector<2> [1,1]
// rest array
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(3, 1,2,3); // Vector<3> [1,2,3]
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(2, 1,2,3); // Vector<2> [1,2]
// tuple of a single array
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(3, [1,2,3]); // Vector<3> [1,2,3]
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(2, [1,2,3]); // Vector<2> [1,2]
// from another Vector
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(3, new Vector(1,2,3)); // Vector<3> [1,2,3]
Vector.convertToSameDimVector(2, new Vector(1,2,3)); // Vector<2> [1,2]